Love is for the only one I see.

Countless of time, I was wondering what is love? How do people define LOVE? According to Google;

noun: love; plural noun: loves
1. a strong feeling of affection.
2. a strong feeling of affection and sexual attraction for someone.”

Love’s game is twisted. It has it’s ups and downs, make us heartbroken, crying all night and even make us lose weight. And at the same time, it is also make us happy, joy, strong and feel as a whole. No one knows where the love comes from, but everyone needs to love and be loved. When there is love, there is also a relationship. However, your maturity level of relationship depends on your attitude; how you carry out this relationship, what is your goals of love, how you treat your partner and how you want to be treated. But, how can you sail your relationship in a mature way?

1. First, do not fight over silly things. 

  • Matured couple does not fighting over unimportant small matters. For example; why he/she did not pick up her phone? Why she doesn’t text me back? Or who is that girl in his phone? Because it is useless, waste of time and energy.
  • But if they do fight, they face it. They do not fight over phone call conversations, or text messages. And they do not bring it to the social medias!

2. It is not necessarily to contact for 24 hours 7 day a week.

  • Mature couple know when they need to tell things to their partner and when they don’t.
  • They know they are okay with not being contact, because they are connected with heart. They feel safe and responsible with their relationship. Their soul become one and united, while immature couple always feel themselves as two, feeling disconnected and divided. That is always why we see certain couples always contact  for only-god-knows-how-many-hour.

3. Have faith in your relationship. 

  • Have faith in your relationship and your partner. Yes, it is true that your soulmate and marriage has been made/set up by Him and you don’t know whether it’s true your partner is your soulmate or not.
  • But you gotta do what you feels right. What your heart tells you to do, do it. Put your great efforts onto this relationship and something great will come out of it. Believe it.

4. Pray for each other happiness. 

  • If you are truly love someone, you will never forget how to include them in your du’aa/prayer. Like you always pray for your parent’s health and protection. So same goes to your partner. You are mature enough to think and make a decision on your own. You tell yourself that he/she is your better half. So keep praying, includes them in your du’aa. That’s what a mature couple do.

5. Finally, trust each other.

  • By trusting each other, you train yourself not to overthinking. Overthinking leads to depression, depression leads to unhealthy mind, unhealthy mind have an impact to unhealthy body, unhealthy body can cause interruption on your immune system. Hence, you will easily get sick, make you feel tired, unenergetic, less productive and become a negative person. So, what the goods in here? None. (Woah I can’t believe I said this).
  • But people who are not overthinking, leads to happy thoughts and bring positiveness to other people. It makes their skin glowing and more beautiful. Am I right? That’s why people who are really in love is pretty and handsome because they are happy from their body and mind.

I am no expert in love. And nobody does. However when we are in love, we can think what is wrong and what is right. We think as one. We make decision together. We want to protect the relationship, we want to make the best out of it, right?

Because love is something we dont owe to anybody. We create our own love story, be it a beautiful one or the ugly one.

Whoever celebrating Valentine’s Day, I wish you all happiness and may you have a beautiful day with your lover.

Whoever still single and searching (like me. Haha), don’t be sad. We have our family and friends around. They are our first relationship since forever, right? 😉

Happy V-Day, everyone! 💗

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